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Napier & Districts Grey Power

Greypower 2025 meetings

We will be holding monthly meetings throughout the year, always on the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 1.30pm, at St Columbia's Church, 136 Gloucester Street, Taradale.
We will have a guest speaker at each and a free afternoon tea.
All are welcome.

Here is the 2025 meeting schedule:

March 18th Michelle McNabb MSD
April 15th Prof Paul Spoonley
May 20th Jacky McLean
June 17th Wendy Schollum
July 15th MJ Bloem
August 19th Local Body Candidates
Sept 16th Local Body Candidates
October 21st To Be Confirmed
November 25th Xmas Luncheon

Bring money for raffles, plus a donation for the Food Bank.

A reminder that your 2024-25 membership expires on 31 March 2025

The 2025-26 fees are: Single $25 Double $40

Our latest Newsletter is HERE

Please renew your membership – it expired on 31 March

Grey Power NZ website can be found here:

 Local Discount Book - Especially great for members not yet 65 and ineligible for SuperGold Discounts.

 Accident Insurance Cover offered free to all paid up members—$2000 paid by AIL in event of death by accident or loss of a limb.

 Cheaper electricity and gas through Grey Power Electricity’s low user rates for current members

 Medical & life insurance:   Members can save up to $100 per month permanently.  Check out the details here, or phone 0800 283 782 weekday working hours.

 Monthly meetings with interesting speakers, great raffles, fellowship and delicious afternoon teas

 Quarterly newsletters—4 local and 4 national.

 Advocacy and representation to local and central government on issues relevant to older people.

To join, complete the form HERE

For More information Contact:
Maxine 021 024 704 84 or

Linda 06 844 3837

Bruce 06 844 5635

Members, guests, friends enjoying getting together at the Grey Power Xmas luncheon, Pokemokimoki Marae 29 November 2022
If you are interested in volunteering with us, phone Bruce at 844 5635
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